Electronics Shop

The Electronics or “Technical Support Shop” located in room 150 Toomey, provides a full range of research and instructional lab technical support.  This includes design, construction, maintenance and repair of instructional lab equipment and research experimental equipment.  In addition the technical staff maintains a wide variety of specialized testing equipment and instrumentation that can be checked out for use on student experiments, and for short periods of time for research experiments. A partial list of these items can be found here: Shop Equipment Checkout


Mitchell Cottrell

Engineer II

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



Supervisor of machine shop and technical support shop, experiment and system design, facilities manager (POC), ME4840 (Mechanical Instrumentation) instructor, complex system diagnostics and repair

Kyle Stagner

Senior Electronics Technician

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



Electronics construction and repair, EDM machining, rapid prototype component processing, experiment construction, electrical, plumbing, hydraulics, pneumatics installation and maintenance, diagnostics and repair of complex systems