Our faculty are working on emerging energy related research in areas such as combustion, hydrogen fuel cells; advanced batteries; grid energy storage; alternative fuels; algae and algal bio-fuels; biodiesel; solar cells and thermophotovoltaic energy harvesting; fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of energy systems; control of alternative energy systems; and hypersonic propulsion systems.
Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:
Professor/Department Chair/Interim Director of NASA Missouri Space Grant Consortium
573-341-4002 | dbayless@mst.edu |
194I Toomey Hall
Air Pollution Control, Algae, Algal Bio-fuels, Alternative Fuel, Bio-reactor, Biodiesel, Blue-Green Algae, Coal, Energy, Gasification of Coal and Biomass, Leadership Development, Mechanical Engineering, Power Generation, and Shale and Shale Energy
Associate Professor
573-341-6622 | khoman@mst.edu |
329 Toomey Hall
Fluid dynamics, heat transfer, and thermodynamics of energy systems. Heat and mass transfer in buoyant flows, second-law and exergy analysis, numerical simulation of transport phenomena and experimental methods.
Associate Professor
573-341-4982 | zlch5@mst.edu |
229 Toomey Hall
Micro/nanoscale thermodynamics and heat transfer, Dynamics of nanodroplets, nanobubbles, and nanoparticles, Structure-property relationship for materials and interfaces, and Computational modeling
573-341-6601 | koyluu@mst.edu |
290A Toomey Hall
Conventional Energy (combustion, IC engines, coal power plants, fluid and heat transport), Alternative Energy (characterization of solid oxide fuel cells, modeling of fuel cells, hydrogen technologies, alternative fuels, clean coal technologies), Environmental Science & Technology (air pollutants, particulates, measurement techniques), Various Fields (synthesis of nanoparticles, laser diagnostics, fire safety, thermal engineering)
573-341-4699 | parkjonghy@mst.edu |
127 Toomey Hall
Advanced li-ion battery, beyond li-ion battery, energy storage system, renewable energy system, grid energy storage, nano, macro-mechanics of materials, self-assembly of nanoparticles, nanostructure, multiphysics, multiscale experiment and simulation.
Professor/Associate Chair of Graduate Affairs
573-341-6273 | yangxia@mst.edu |
227 Toomey Hall
Optical materials and devices in nanophotonics and plasmonics; Physics and applications of optical metamaterials; Nanoscale optomechanics, optical nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS); Integrated optofluidic devices and optical sensors; Photon management for solar/thermal energy harvesting; Optical device micro-/nano-fabrication.
Follow Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering