Manufacturing Engineering Program

Please follow the Admission Requirements link or contact Admissions at for admission requirements.

Maintain graduate program grade point average equal to or higher than 3.00/4.00

A maximum of 10 credit hours with a grade of C

A Master of Science (MS) degree program will consist of an approved minimum of 30 graduate credit hours satisfying these minimum requirements:

  • 12 credit hours from the Manufacturing Engineering Core Curriculum
  • 6 credit hours of 6000 level courses in manufacturing
  • 3 credit hours of any suggested manufacturing courses
  • 6 credit hours for thesis research

A Master of Engineering (MEng) degree program will consist of an approved minimum of 30 graduate credit hours satisfying these minimum requirements:

  • 12 credit hours from the Manufacturing Engineering Core Curriculum
  • 6 credit hours of 6000 level courses in manufacturing
  • 3 credit hours of any suggested manufacturing course
  • 3 credit hours for a practice-oriented project

Each student must take at least one course from each of the core areas in manufacturing engineering during his or her first two semesters of graduate work. The core requirements may be deemed satisfied if a student has already taken a core course as a technical elective in his or her undergraduate program, so this allows more freedom in the selection of other courses. The related courses in Manufacturing Core Areas are selected and offered from various departments. Manufacturing Core Areas include the following:

Area 1: Materials and Manufacturing Processes:

ME 3653 Manufacturing

ME 5236 Fracture Mechanics

ME 5238 Fatigue Analysis

ME 5282 Introduction to Composite Materials & Structures

ME 5220 Advanced Mechanics of Materials

Area 2: Process, Assembly and Product Engineering:

EMgt 5515/ME 5757 Integrated Product and Process Design

EMgt 5516 Integrated Product Development

ME 5708 Rapid Product Design and Optimization

ME 5763 Principles and Practice of Computer Aided Design

ME 6663 Advanced Digital Design and Manufacturing

Area 3: Manufacturing Competitiveness:

EMgt 5710 Introduction to the Six Sigma Way

EMgt 5613 Value Analysis

EMgt 5615 Production Planning and Scheduling

EMgt 5714 Statistical Process Control

EMgt 6611 Lean Systems

ERP 5110 ERP System Design and Implementation

Area 4: Manufacturing Systems Design:

ME 5449 Robotic Manipulators and Mechanisms

ME 5478 Mechatronics

ME 5653 Computer Numerical Control of Manufacturing Processes

ME 5655 Automation in Manufacturing

ME 5656 Design for Manufacture

ME 6659 Advanced Topics in Design and Manufacturing

Master of Engineering - Practice-oriented Project

The student and the academic advisor define the practice-oriented project. At the end of the project experience, the student should demonstrate not only proficiency of operating certain manufacturing processes, but also the capability to improve the process. At the end of the MEng program, a presentation and a report documenting the practice-oriented project are required. The student should register the practice-oriented project (Report Format) as XX 5000 Special Problems in which XX refers to the department (e.g., ME 5000) with which the student's major advisor is affiliated.

  • Maximum of 6 credit hours of 3000 level courses are allowed only by approval from the student's graduate committee.
  • Core Course Requirements for students with a cross B.S.-M.S. degree

A maximum of six hours of coursework for M.S. degrees may be transferred from universities outside of the University of Missouri System. Credits considered for transfer must have been registered as graduate courses when they were taken. A minimum grade of B must have been obtained before a transfer course can be used in the graduate program.

We process applications throughout the year, but we suggest to submit your application by the following dates:

  • Fall semester: July 1
  • Spring semester: December 1
  • Summer semester: May 1

Students on appointment must register for at least 9 credit hours per semester unless they have completed their coursework. Preregistration is strongly encouraged.

The Graduate Coordinator for the Manufacturing Engineering Education Program will assist you during the first semester or until you select a Graduate Advisor. The Graduate Advisor should be a member of the Manufacturing Education Committee (MEC). It is your responsibility during the first semester to examine the research interest of the faculty (by reading the faculty research interests or from personal contact) and select a Graduate Advisor. Turn the Graduate Advisor Form into the Graduate Coordinator. Your Graduate Advisor will be the one approving your course work schedule and research program, and will assist you and guide you through the remaining period up to graduation. 

A graduate student is strongly discouraged from changing thesis advisors. When an unavoidable circumstance arises and warrants consideration for a change, the faculty members and the student involved must meet with the Graduate Coordinator to resolve the issue before a formal change of advisor is allowed to take place.

The graduate committee for each master of science student in the interdisciplinary degree program will consist of three faculty of which at least two must be from the Manufacturing Education Committee (MEC). MEC is formed by over 40 faculty members from various departments, including Basic Engineering; Ceramic Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Computer Science; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Engineering Management; Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics; Metallurgical Engineering; and Mining Engineering.

No graduate committee is needed for the Master of Engineering program.


All graduate students are strongly encouraged to attend department and graduate seminars.


All master’s degree students must have fulfilled all admissions requirements, including English proficiency test scores, if necessary. Students admitted to a master of science degree program and who are writing a thesis must adhere to the following procedures:

  1. The student will consult with the graduate advisor about course scheduling, and register for classes.
  2. The student will select an advisor and committee, and complete the Graduate Advisor Form and Form 1 (typed original) within the semester in which the student takes his or her 9th graduate credit hour. Students who fail to comply with this deadline will have a registration hold placed on their account.
  1. The student will complete academic requirements.
  2. The student will check with the Registrar to make an application for graduation within four weeks of the beginning of the student’s final semester, or within two weeks of the beginning of the summer session. The graduate application form for graduation is available at Registrar Forms.
  3. (M.S. students only) The student will arrange a date, time, and place for the oral examination, or thesis defense, and forward this information to the Office of Graduate Education electronically, so that the examination can be publicized at least one week in advance. The student must be enrolled at the time of the oral examination. The oral examination should meet the due date, if the student would like to attend the graduation ceremony.
  4. (M.S. students only) The student will distribute copies of the thesis to all members of the examining committee at least seven working days before the oral examination.
  5. (M.S. students only) The student should bring the attached Committee Assessment Survey Form and an empty envelope to the committee chair on the date of the thesis defense. After the committee chair fills out the form, the committee chair can either mail it to the graduate support assistant in the MAE office (194 Toomey) or seal the envelope and have the student bring it back to the graduate support assistant.
  6. (M.E. students only) The student will submit the practice-oriented project report (Report Format) to the graduate advisor by the due date (the due date is equivalent to the non-thesis Form 3 due date) if the student would like to attend the graduation ceremony. Some programs may also require the student to make an oral presentation based on the report (the project advisor can decide). No graduate committee is needed for the Master of Engineering program.
  7. The student should fill out a Graduate Assessment Survey and email it to before submitting Form 2 (M.S. students only) for the Manufacturing Program Director’s Signature.
  8. (M.S. students only) The chair of the examining committee will report the action of the committee to the Office of Graduate Education by submitting a typed original Form 2 accompanied by a copy of the approved thesis.
  9. (M.S. students only) The Vice Provost of Graduate Education will forward the approved thesis to the Missouri S&T Library after the student fulfills all academic requirements and pays all enrollment or examination fees. The student must then complete the Scholars’ Mine Online Thesis and Dissertation Submission Form available at the Scholars Mine Website.
  10. (M.S. students only) The student will present one copy of the approved thesis to the thesis advisor, and will retain one copy for his or her personal records.
  11. The Board of Curators will, upon the recommendation of the graduate faculty, grant the student the master of science OR engineering degree when all degree requirements are met.