Our faculty are advancing research in control systems, machine learning, and robotics, exploring cutting-edge topics such as autonomous systems, adaptive and optimal control, reinforcement learning, human-robot interaction, swarm robotics, neural networks for control, robotic manipulation and locomotion, intelligent manufacturing and automation, cyber-physical systems, sensor fusion and perception, and applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, and industrial systems.
Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:
William E. Walker III Professor/Director of the Center for Aerospace Manufacturing Technologies
573-341-6559 | dbristow@mst.edu |
292C Toomey Hall
Dynamic modeling and control of micro- and nano-positioning systems, atomic force microscopes and additive manufacturing systems; volumetric error compensation; iterative learning control, multi-dimensional control, and signal processing.
Assistant Professor
573-341-6008 | xiaosongdu@mst.edu |
337 Toomey Hall
Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Aircraft Design Optimization; Electric Drones
573-341-4495 | kkrishna@mst.edu |
280 Toomey Hall
System dynamics, control, robotics, and neurotechnologies.
Curator’s Distinguished Professor/Bailey Distinguished Professor/Director of Innovative Smart & Additive Manufacturing Laboratory
320 Engineering Research Laboratory
Rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, virtual reality, CAD/CAM, robotics, mechatronics and automatic control.
Bytnar Professor/Director of Manufacturing Engineering Program
292B Toomey Hall
Metal additive manufacturing process design, modeling, integration, monitoring, and control; CAD/CAM.
Assistant Professor
573-341-4097 | smritinandan.paul@mst.edu |
290C Toomey Hall
(Astro)dynamics, space domain awareness/space situational awareness, space traffic management, space weather, stochastic machine learning techniques, GNC (Guidance, Navigation, and Control) for space sustainability and missions, computer vision, and space autonomy.
Assistant Professor
573-341-4187 | cpk4t@mst.edu |
131 Toomey Hall
Non-convex optimization; Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs (QCQPs); Optimal control; Space exploration technology; Machine learning; Distributed computing
Associate Professor
573-341-4371 | songyun@mst.edu |
292D Toomey Hall
Physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI), Physical Human-Human Interaction (pHHI), Human Movement Assistance, Rehabilitation Robotics, Wearable Devices, Energy-Harvesting from Human Movement, Design and Instrumentation of Medical Devices.
Follow Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering