The faculty of the Aerospace Engineering program are active in exciting research areas relevant to current atmospheric flight and spaceflight disciplines. These areas include hypersonic flows and technologies, planetary entry/descent/landing of spacecraft, active flow control, unmanned air vehicles (UAVs), composite materials, smart structures, nanocomposites, plasma aerospace applications, space propulsion, small satellite technology development, and spacecraft orbit and mission design. Students assist faculty with their research programs, including working in laboratories, conducting computer simulations, and developing new theories that all advance the state-of-the-art in the aerospace community.
Interested in discussing the research we are working on or learning more? Please contact:
Curators' Distinguished Professor
573-341-4587 | |
188 Toomey Hall
Composite Materials and Structures, Additive Manufacturing of Polymer Composites and Metal Cellular Structures, High Temperature Composites, Smart Structures, Bio-composites, Composite Manufacturing, Experimental Characterization, Finite Element Analysis, and Process Modeling.
Assistant Professor
573-341-6008 | |
337 Toomey Hall
Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Aircraft Design Optimization; Electric Drones
Associate Professor
573-341-4337 | |
131 Toomey Hall
Plasma aerospace applications; Space propulsion; Plasma-material interactions; Plasma physics and rarefied gas dynamics; High-performance computing
James A. Drallmeier Centennial Professor
573-341-7239 | |
182 Toomey Hall
Computational aerodynamics/aerothermodynamics, hypersonic flows and technologies, uncertainty quantification, planetary entry/descent/landing of spacecraft, computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamic shape optimization, robust design, numerical methods.
Curators' Distinguished Teaching Professor
573-341-6749 | |
331 Toomey Hall
Astrodynamics, orbital mechanics, spacecraft design, spacecraft mission design, satellite attitude dynamics, nonlinear analysis, dynamics and control, optimization.
Assistant Professor
573-341-4958 | |
290B Toomey Hall
High-speed experimental aerodynamics, hypersonic and high-enthalpy flows, compressible turbulence, supersonic vortex dynamics, laser-based flow diagnostics, ground facilities development.
Follow Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering